Victoria’s success relies on thriving regional cities
RCV has finalised its advocacy platform for 2022-25.
RCV calls on the Victorian and Federal Governments to invest in the economic growth, connectivity, liveability, and sustainability of the regions.
The 2022-25 Advocacy Priorities provides a range of investments to help the regions rebuild and recover from COVID-19, and to be growing, connected economies that are attractive places to live, work, and visit.
These include:
- Infrastructure: $800 million over four years in the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund
- Business Attraction: Gov-Kiosks to be established across all regional cities; 20 per cent of LaunchVIC funding to be allocated towards attracting and creating new innovation and start-ups in regional cities; establishment of a Regional Victoria Innovation Fund
- Tourism: $40 million over four years for the Regional Events Fund; continuation of the Regional Community Events Fund; grants for business events and incentive programs held in regional cities
- Transport: $10 million to provide a Regional Transport Plan; support for existing intermodal freight hubs
- Digital Connectivity: Free Wi-Fi in all regional cities and on all regional trains; $50 million to enable regional digital infrastructure investments
- Education and Jobs: $100,000 to identify demand for regional jobs and skills, gaps in the market and to better forecast the future skills needed; local Victorian Skills Authority liaison officers to be based in each regional city
- Planning: Additional funding for Regional Development Victoria to fast-track the development of Regional Recovery Plans and Regional Economic Development Strategies; a Regional Taskforce to be established to accelerate regional planning works
- Housing: Projects in the regions as part of the $1.25 billion Big Housing Build investment to be prioritised
- Environment: Establishment of a Climate Change Response Partnership Fund; introduction of a mandate to ensure 20 per cent of Sustainability VIC initiatives have a regional focus; $30 million to deliver a Regional Parks Program
- Waste Management: Funds received from the Municipal and Industrial Landfill Levy to be placed into a trust for re-investment in regional waste management projects; introduction of an incentive scheme to encourage new waste and recycling businesses to establish operations in regional Victoria.
To download a copy of RCV’s 2022-25 Advocacy Priorities document click here.