Cancellation of 2026 Commonwealth Games a major loss for regional cities

Regional Cities Victoria is greatly disappointed by the Victorian Government’s decision to cancel the 2026
Commonwealth Games.

RCV Chair Cr Andrea Metcalf said the promised Commonwealth Games was an opportunity to showcase
regional Victoria to the world, better connect regional communities with each other, and gain long-term
value from tourism, job creation, and attracting skilled workers to our regional cities.

“The opportunity to host a once-in-a-lifetime event in regional Victoria has been something our cities and
regional communities embraced and welcomed since Commonwealth Games Australia and the Victorian
Government submitted the bid,” Cr Metcalf said.

“The 2026 Commonwealth Games promised flow on benefits for every corner of the state. Outside of the
hub cities, this now appears lost.”

“We look forward to seeing details of the proposed state-wide tourism package but recognise this will not
deliver the same benefits as broadcasting the best of regional Victoria into billions of lounge rooms around the world.”

Cr Metcalf said RCV understood the fiscal reasons behind the Victorian Government’s decision today, but
says the need for long-term investment in the still exists.

“The Victorian Government’s announcement of a $1 billion package for social and affordable housing in the regions is much needed. The shortage of affordable housing is an urgent issue across all our cities and is impacting our availability to attract and retain skilled workers,” Cr Metcalf said.

“Regional Cities Victoria is keen to work with the Victorian Government to ensure the new $1 billion
package is delivered to areas most in need and adds to the Big Housing Build.”

RCV recently launched its Commonwealth Games legacy document. Among the top priorities highlighted is the need to invest in community infrastructure; repairing an old legacy and creating a new one.

“We are pleased that the infrastructure legacy across Ballarat, Bendigo, Geelong, the Latrobe Valley and
Shepparton will still be delivered. But we reiterate our call for repairs and upgrades to sporting facilities in
other regions,” Cr Metcalf said.

Today’s announcement comes on top of the Victorian Government’s decision to axe the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund in the 2023-24 State Budget, which for over two decades was used to create jobs, help businesses relocate to regional cities, build community centres, and make regional Victoria a better place to live and work.

“Without this funding, Councils no longer have the same access to funding co-contributions from the
Federal Government.”

“This is a disappointing day for the 1.5 million people – a quarter of all Victorians – who call regional Victoria home and had excitedly welcomed the Commonwealth Games, encouraged by the long term value it promised for their communities,” Cr Metcalf said.

The full media release is available to download here.